Choose the service that works for you!Revolutionize your verification process
How? With Streamline Verify’s groundbreaking OIG exclusion screening software.
Verify Professional takes the frustration out of exclusion screening, enabling your staff to swiftly and efficiently screen all of your employees, vendors and providers with just one click.
Simple, user-friendly interface
Easy upload of all employee information
Instant turnaround time
Against all Federal and State exclusion databases
Unlimited number of users
Single queries for all potential hires
Free training for all users
24 hour instant access to reports
Automatic re-screening every month
Including email alerts for flagged matches & full PDF report
No extra charge for state database!
Hassle-free & guaranteed OIG Compliance
How? With Verify Enterprise, Streamline Verify’s full-service exclusion screening package.
Verify Enterprise completely removes the burden of exclusion screening from your shoulders with our OIG Exclusion Software, relieving your staff of a burdensome and complex chore while affording you a 100% compliance guarantee.
Comprehensive, full-facility OIG exclusion screening
Automatic transfers
Speedy & conclusive resolution of all flagged matches
Immediate notification of exact matches
Including license number & NPI lookup from primary sources