Reduce healthcare fraud and exclusions with this retention strategy:
For more on exclusion visit our home page.
Reduce healthcare fraud and exclusions with this retention strategy:
For more on exclusion visit our home page.
Arizona Exclusion The Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) Office of Inspector General takes on the task of safeguarding the state’s Medicaid Program which amounts to $9 billion. Its...
OIG compliance procedures through regular LEIE checks can verify if you are employing individuals or contracting with entities who are listed on the OIG sanction list. The Office of the Inspector Gene...
Having an individual’s Social Security Number (SSN) or the entity’s Employee Identification Number (EIN) can assist in your exclusion screening efforts. A common method to resolve potential matche...
OIG Exclusions Screening Process
Quick OIG Exclusion Basics
Consequences to Employing an Excluded Individual
Laws and Publications on OIG Compliance
Average workload reduction by implementing the Streamline Verify program
Establishments trust Streamline Verify nationwide
Serving the healthcare industry’s unique compliance needs since 2011
Setting standards with hourly synchronization to primary source data