The Compliance Institute (CI), a flagship event held by Health Care Compliance Association® (HCCA), has been supporting practitioners with educational and networking opportunities for two and a half decades. This conference offers attendees the latest in real-world compliance issues, emerging trends, and practical applications to strengthen their compliance programs. This year we’re celebrating our 26th anniversary, and participants have the choice to attend on-site in Phoenix or online!
Join HCCA March 28–31, 2022 to learn from industry leaders, expand your professional network, and enhance your career. Our educational sessions are organized by knowledge level (basic, intermediate, and advanced) and cover the compliance topics you want to hear about most!
Subject areas include: Auditing and monitoring | Behavioral health | Compliance law |General compliance/hot topics | How to succeed as a compliance officer | Investigations | Physician compliance | Post-acute care | Privacy and security | Risk management | Telehealth
Attendees will have the opportunity to earn live Compliance Certification Board (CCB)® continuing education units (CEUs) and take the optional in-person exam on the last day of the conference.
Register by February 16, 2022 to save on registration!