HCCA’s 2017 Compliance Institute, a Smashing Success

Posted by Frank Strafford on April 6, 2017 in Industry News,

With close to three thousand attendants, the HCCA Compliance Institute 2017 kicked off another successful summit and reached a wider audience than we’ve ever seen before. Those numbers also highlight how healthcare compliance has become an issue respected by professionals at every level of the healthcare hierarchy.

It is always inspiring to see the strong alliance and support the HCCA has made with HHS’ esteemed Inspector General of the OIG, Daniel Levinson, who always manages to give our entire community a refreshing perspective through his opening session.

All Hands on Deck

The summit was a real reminder that as healthcare professionals, we are all on the same team. From federal government down to private competitors, everyone came together with the goal of ensuring best practice and compliance for the greater good.

A Friendly Approach

The CI consisted of incredible session topics and speakers that carried several important messages to an eager audience, proving once again that the HCCA fully understands the severity of its mission. But as always, they also left plenty of room for levity. Each day began with a relaxing yoga class, and there was an amusing caricature booth that we really enjoyed. We also enjoyed reuniting with some of our existing clients that have become good friends over the years, and got to build some new relationships.

The highlight of the event for us at Streamline Verify, though, was the excitement that we generated with our hashtag bumper stickers. With catchy slogans like #ComplianceSuperhero & #PolicyJunkie, we made more than a few smiles, while promoting compliance pride at the same time.

Did you miss us at the Compliance Institute? You can still have our #Swag!  Visit streamlineverify.com/swag 

At the end of the day, the conference was a huge success. It brought an elite community of health compliance offers together under one roof to promote better quality care through compliance. and after all, isn’t that what it’s all about?

About Frank Strafford

About Frank Strafford

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