
New NTIS Guidelines Limit Access To the Death Master File

April 28, 2017

Symbol of internet security with binary character hand and padlock The Importance of the Death Master File Ghosting, or stealing the identity of a deceased individual is one of the oldest forms of identity theft....

HCCA’s 2017 Compliance Institute, a Smashing Success

April 6, 2017

With close to three thousand attendants, the HCCA Compliance Institute 2017 kicked off another successful summit and reached a wider audience than we’ve ever seen before. Those numbers also highlight how healthcare com...

Phantom of the Oscars: How Compliance Checking Could’ve Saved the Night

March 1, 2017

It’s an event that will go down in history: the Great Oscar Debacle of 2017. Nobody could possibly forget that fateful moment when Faye Dunaway attempted to regroup from a dazed and confused Warren Beatty reaction to b...

Healthcare Hand-off: Obama’s Outgoing Health Cabinet vs. Trump’s New One

January 4, 2017

It’s no secret that Republicans want to replace Obamacare with another option. According to polls, 53% of Americans disapprove of ACA, and 45% have shown their approval. With the public as well as party lines divided o...

NJ Provider Agrees to 20 Year OIG Exclusion On-Top of 5.25 Million Dollar Settlement

November 22, 2016

Auction Or Trial Concept With Auctioneers Or Judges Gavel And Scattered Money Heap On Wooden Table, Close Up, This week there was a stunning announcement made by the OIG regarding a New Jersey OB/GYN doctor that a...

The Mannequin Challenge #TheHIPAAWay

November 20, 2016

There is no question that a large number of social video challenges have been extremely useful for all kinds of purposes and the latest trend is called The Mannequin Challenge. We have already seen other popular challeng...

Florida – A Hotbed for Medicaid Fraud

July 26, 2016

Florida Medicaid Fraud   Medicaid fraud in Florida results in losses of more than 6 billion dollars each year. Such is the state’s reputation for being a hotspot for this kind of fraud that Nigerian and Russian scams...

Positive Numbers: Highlights of the 2016 Spring Report from the HHS OIG

July 12, 2016

  Positive Numbers: Highlights of the 2016 Spring Report from the HHS OIG One thing evident in the recently released Spring Report for 2016 from The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Inspector G...

Why Do Some Nurses Commit Fraud?

June 28, 2016

Nurse Fraud Nurses have become heavily involved in a spate of health-care related fraud news in recent years. One of the most controversial reports of fraud from the Department of Justice was in 2011, which involved ei...

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