
Why Do Some Nurses Commit Fraud?

June 28, 2016

Nurse Fraud Nurses have become heavily involved in a spate of health-care related fraud news in recent years. One of the most controversial reports of fraud from the Department of Justice was in 2011, which involved ei...

Exclusion Screening VS. Fragmented Databases

May 30, 2016

Is Exclusion Screening even possible? The U.S. Government Accountability Office has recently released the results of a study conducted in order to gauge the reliability, uniformity, and exhaustibility of exclusion databa...

How to Do Pre-employment Screening the Right Way

February 24, 2016

OIG Background Check Basics: Not every medical practice is large enough to employ a full-time compliance officer, but every medical facility is large enough to get slammed by the OIG for messing up on some part of the sc...

The Most Outrageous Frauds [Infographic]

October 15, 2015

The cases presented below prove that fraud hurts real people every single time it happens. Outstanding medical bills have become a chief reason for filing personal bankruptcy in the US. The health of patients continue to...

Can OIG Exclusion Wreck My Career Forever?

August 3, 2015

We picked this one up from, an open forum for nurses and nursing students. HELP! I just learned that I've been on the OIG Exclusion list since Jan 2003 following my RN license surrender / revocation for nar...

Employee Screening: Endless, thankless…hopeless?

July 27, 2015

Streamline Verify recently posted a guest blog on E-Visit on the topic of pre-screening employees, and we ran into a simple but major question while compiling the post. Which employee screenings SHOULD be on every fac...

Is Your Partner Excluded? Doctors, Take Note.

July 13, 2015

  An attorney with HHS’ Office of Inspector General said Thursday that the OIG is hiring additional lawyers to look into taking more administrative actions against doctors. They're looking for the types of questionab...

When Are You Allowed to Employ an OIG Excluded Individual?

December 22, 2014

Organizations that bill Medicare, Medicaid and other federal healthcare programs should ideally check exclusion lists once a month after the initial hire. There are a few exceptions to the tight regulations surrounding...

Qualities to Look For When Hiring Healthcare Professionals

December 16, 2014

When you're hiring a contractor or employee to provide healthcare, it's important to your organization and your patients that you only hire the best. But how can you identify the best healthcare workers? Top healthcare...

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Understanding OIG Exclusions

OIG Exclusions Screening Process

Exclusion FAQS

Quick OIG Exclusion Basics

Employing Excluded Individuals

Consequences to Employing an Excluded Individual

OIG Compliance Law

Laws and Publications on OIG Compliance

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