In today's rapidly changing world, staying informed about the latest trends in the job market is essential for professionals across various industries. One sector that has undergone significant transformations is healthc...
3 Areas of Your Compliance Program to Check on Now

Audit, continuous monitoring and review - and associated improvements - are key expectations in our Compliance programs. Here are three areas to review if you've not re-visited these aspects of your program in a wh...
VIDEO PODCAST: Compliance Incentives and Disciplinary Action

Get ready for an electrifying journey as we dive into the world of compliance with none other than Mary Shirley, a true luminary in this field! In this high-energy episode, Mary will unveil a treasure trove of insights a...
Top 5 Tips For Advancing Your Career as a Great Woman in Compliance

Fast Company recently shared some disappointing findings about multiple things that are still holding women back in the workplace that make for sobering reading. Perhaps the most disappointing aspect for me, was th...