VIDEO PODCAST: Navigating the Healthcare Job Market

Posted by Steven Grossman on October 24, 2023 in Industry News, Mary Shirley,

In today’s rapidly changing world, staying informed about the latest trends in the job market is essential for professionals across various industries. One sector that has undergone significant transformations is healthcare, which includes medical device, life sciences, and pharmaceuticals. To shed light on the job market dynamics in these fields, we turn to an industry expert, Mary Shirley, a renowned healthcare compliance professional. Join us for an insightful conversation I hosted tis past Summer as we explore the state of the healthcare job market and gather valuable tips for job seekers and professionals looking to advance their careers.

Episode Highlights

  1. State of the Healthcare Job Market:
    The podcast kicks off with an exploration of the current state of the healthcare job market. Mary Shirley shares her observations, offering a unique perspective on the industry’s landscape. She highlights that the job market is active, with an influx of opportunities extending from late 2022 into 2023. This provides a glimmer of hope for job seekers, especially those seeking roles in healthcare compliance and related fields. For those at the director level and below, it’s noted that switching roles and obtaining substantial salary increases are increasingly possible.
  2. Resume Writing Services:
    In a competitive job market, your resume can make or break your chances of being shortlisted. Mary discusses her experience using resume writing services and their potential benefits. She delves into the value-add offered by these services, with options ranging from $250 to $800. Discover how these services can help tailor your resume to better align with job requirements.
  3. Designed Resumes and Applicant Tracking Systems:
    The conversation takes an intriguing turn as we discuss the debate around resume designs and applicant tracking systems (ATS). There’s often a cautionary note against using fancy designs or infographic-style resumes, as ATS systems might struggle to process them. However, Mary shares her own success story, having received unsolicited positive feedback from interviewers about her beautifully designed resume compared to a resume specifically crafted for ATS systems. The lesson here is that a well-designed resume can still have an impact if it’s well-executed.
  4. Building and Leveraging Your Network:
    The podcast concludes with a discussion on the importance of networking. Mary emphasizes that building your network before you need it is a wise strategy. While it’s not always about securing job referrals, your professional network can provide insights into what interviewers value. Mutual contacts can be invaluable in understanding the dynamics of your industry and how to navigate it effectively.


“Healthcare Job Market Insights: A Conversation with Mary Shirley” offers a wealth of information for professionals seeking opportunities or advancement in healthcare, medical device, life sciences, and pharma fields. Mary’s expertise make this podcast a must-listen for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare employment. Whether you’re actively job hunting or just want to stay informed about industry trends, this podcast provides valuable insights and tips to help you succeed in your career.

About Steven Grossman

About Steven Grossman

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