Screening employees and potential hires against federal and state exclusion lists can be relatively straightforward if an organization’s HR department maintains current employee data and utilizes the services offered b...
The Impact of FCRA and FACTA on Exclusion Screening
Background The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) was signed into law by President Nixon in 1970 and took effect April 25, 1971. The original purpose of the FCRA was to give consumers certain rights and protections rela...
When a health care entity is faced with permissive exclusion from participation in federal health care programs, the Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG) has the discretion to offer a Corporate Int...
Mission and Structure: The mission of New York’s Office of the Medicaid Inspector General (OMIG) is to “to enhance the integrity of the New York State Medicaid program by preventing and detecting fraudulent, abusi...
The Often-Unknown Impact of OIG Exclusions
Search the internet on OIG enforcement and you will eventually find articles about nurses, physicians, pharmacists and other licensed medical personnel and their travails related to OIG exclusion. A common theme running ... Continues to Evolve
Since 2017, the General Services Agency’s (GSA) Integrated Award Environment program office has been working to consolidate all related procurement tools into a single modernized online environment. The GSA manages fed...
What Providers Need to Know About Checking OIG Checks of the Exclusion List
U.S. healthcare providers who participate in federal or state healthcare programs such as Medicare or Medicaid must be vigilant in their hiring practices. Hiring or retaining excluded individuals or entities can subject ...
Referrals from Excluded Providers
Hospitals and other health care providers typically rely on referrals from community providers as a major source of patients and revenue. The federal Stark and Anti-Kickback laws strictly regulate provider and facility a...
Understanding Waivers & the Duration of OIG Exclusions
Exclusion Background As noted in past blog posts, HHS OIG Exclusions are comprehensive and significant. Exclusion from participation in federal healthcare programs can have a profound effect on a provider’s healthcare...