Incompleteness of information on the OIG Exclusion List (LEIE) can occur for many reasons, and some are as simple as typographical errors. One of the more serious issues is the failure of many State Medica...
How does OIG Exclusion Work? Your Questions Answered
Solution Concept Human Resource on Blackboard The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) maintains a list of those individuals and identities who are prohibited by federal law from participating in Medicare, Medicaid, ...
Arkansas Medicaid Exclusion
All you need to know about Arkansas Medicaid Exclusions The Arkansas Medicaid Inspector General (OMIG) was established on April 23, 2013, in pursuant to the Arkansas Act 1499, whose purpose include: ...
Florida OIG Exclusion
Florida Healthcare Exclusion Under the State of Florida’s Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) is the Office of the Inspector General, spearheaded by Chief Kelly Bennett. As an integral part of the AHCA, the O...
Exclusion Screening VS. Fragmented Databases
Is Exclusion Screening even possible? The U.S. Government Accountability Office has recently released the results of a study conducted in order to gauge the reliability, uniformity, and exhaustibility of exclusion databa...
NY Medicaid Exclusion
New York State Medicaid Exclusion New York’s Office of the Medicaid Inspector General exists to “to enhance the integrity of the New York State Medicaid program by preventing and detecting fraudulent, abusive, and wa...
How to Do Pre-employment Screening the Right Way
OIG Background Check Basics: Not every medical practice is large enough to employ a full-time compliance officer, but every medical facility is large enough to get slammed by the OIG for messing up on some part of the sc...
Ohio Medicaid Provider Exclusion and Suspension List
Ohio Medicaid Provider Exclusion and Suspension List The Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) was founded in July 2013. It is the premier Executive-level Medicaid agency of the state of Ohio. Led by Director John B. McCart...
Compulsory Exclusion Screening at the Federal and State Level
Exclusion Screening 101 Exclusion screening occurs at both the federal and state levels. The federal government maintains two principal exclusion databases, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG)’s LEIE database ...