
OIG Exclusion Made EASY

February 9, 2016

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services established The Office of Inspector General (OIG) to carry out these basic functions: The identification and elimination of fraud, waste, and abuse of the programs initia...

A Taste of Their Own Medicine – Pharmacists Defrauding the Healthcare System…and getting caught

February 4, 2016

Medicaid and Medicare frauds run to the tune of billions of dollars each year. Running a check on OIG exclusions is one way to catch this fraud, and also protect one’s healthcare system from doing business with blackl...

Driving Healthcare Costs Down, By Bringing OIG Compliance Up

January 4, 2016

  Why does medical care cost so much, anyway? Dumb question.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that healthcare costs.  Treatments cost, prescriptions cost, equipment costs.  Everybody knows th...

The “To-Don’t” List of OIG Compliance

December 29, 2015

OIG Compliance requires a lot of things to remember.  However, since many people respond more pro-actively when they learn of the possible consequences, here is a short “to-don’t” compliance list instead of the us...

The Most Outrageous Frauds [Infographic]

October 15, 2015

The cases presented below prove that fraud hurts real people every single time it happens. Outstanding medical bills have become a chief reason for filing personal bankruptcy in the US. The health of patients continue to...

What happened to Small Smiles dentists?

September 17, 2015

The dentistry was rotten; the teeth were not. If there was ever a practice worthy of exclusion, Small Smiles Dentistry for Children was it.  To quote just one of the many reports released about the now-infamous chain: ...

Excluded Ambulance Drivers: Whose Responsibility?

September 7, 2015

Four Jacksonville, FL hospitals have agreed to pay a combined $7.5 million settlement for crimes that they did not commit. Jacksonville Business Journal reports that the four -- Baptist Health, which runs four hospitals...

Healthcare Fraud: Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid

August 17, 2015

            The healthcare industry needs a reliable compliance system more than ever. Healthcare Fraud is rearing its ugly head hundreds of times more than any other criminal conviction...

Employee Screening: Endless, thankless…hopeless?

July 27, 2015

Streamline Verify recently posted a guest blog on E-Visit on the topic of pre-screening employees, and we ran into a simple but major question while compiling the post. Which employee screenings SHOULD be on every fac...

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Understanding OIG Exclusions

OIG Exclusions Screening Process

Exclusion FAQS

Quick OIG Exclusion Basics

Employing Excluded Individuals

Consequences to Employing an Excluded Individual

OIG Compliance Law

Laws and Publications on OIG Compliance

More Compliance Resources

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