CMS issued a memorandum regarding changes to the Nursing Home Care Compare website. Of particular note for home care facilities is the posting of preliminary survey findings of nursing facilities prior to final resolutio...
More CCO Skin in the Game Moving Forward
Chief Compliance Officers (CCOs) routinely take point on reaching resolution with state and federal regulators when addressing and settling cases related to regulatory or compliance violations. However, in 2022, the US D...
OIG’s Evolving Integrity Agreements
Recently, the OIG modified the provisions and requirements of several corporate integrity agreements (CIA). In addition to having direct impact on those organizations subject to such agreements, these changes also provid...
Updated Guidance on Exclusion Screening for New Jersey’s Medicaid Providers and Plans
In January of 2023, New Jersey issued new guidance regarding those databases that healthcare entities (including providers and managed care organizations) participating in NJ’s Medicaid program must query monthly to ve...
Recent Additions to California’s Medi-Cal Exclusion Screening Databases
The California Medicaid program, known as Medi-Cal, is a highly regulated program by any measure. California takes a very intensive approach to assure that organizations offering services to Medicaid recipients meet a ve...
Data Analytics and Collaboration Drive Continued Success for Texas HHS-OIG
The 2022 Quarter Four Fiscal Report of the Texas Health and Human Services OIG was issued in September 2022 with highlights from another very successful year. The report reflects the continued focus of the OIG on enhance...
Deficit Reduction Act Compliance: Certification Requirements for New Jersey Providers & MCOs
Background on the DRA The federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA) included new requirements related to fraud, waste and abuse for Medicaid plans that received or made payments of $5 million dollars or more in any ...
Fun and Smart Ways to Celebrate Compliance & Ethics Week
Adhering to compliance standards protects all consumers of healthcare services and ultimately enables the delivery of the highest levels of healthcare across the country. An annual Compliance Week provides a great opport...
The OIG Opines regarding Loaned Smartphones for Low Income Patient Access to Care
During the PHE, access to care was limited and social isolation was real. To increase access, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) through blanket waivers and state Medicaid programs tempora...