The National Healthcare Anti-Fraud Association approximates 3 to 10 percent of annual healthcare expenditures account to fraudulent claims. This means that in the $600 billion spent for Medicare back in 2012, $60...
Powerball and The Compliance Officer
The exhilaration of tonight’s $1.5 billion Powerball drawing is attracting even people who don’t typically play the lottery. And, in many organizations, employees are pooling their resources with the promise of split...
Important Things to Know About Self-Disclosure Protocol
The Self-Disclosure Protocol is an important step in dealing with excluded individuals in your organization. It’s a tool for healthcare providers to volunteer information and to resolve exclusion issues in a timely man...
The 10 Commandments of OIG Compliance
Healthcare organizations and workers now have an easier way to come up with smart HR and OIG compliance practices. Streamline Verify created a clever way to summarize the rules and regulations of OIG policies and...
Build Nurse Retention through Internal Branding
Reduce healthcare fraud and exclusions with this retention strategy: For more on exclusion visit our home page....
4 Simple Ways for HR Officers to Save Big
A 14-year-old kid suggested that the US government could save millions per year in printing costs by switching fonts from Times New Roman to Garamond. An airline saved tens of thousands by removing one olive from the sal...
Compliance Hashtag Bumper Sticker Giveaway!
Are you a compliance junkie? Show your true colors with a hashtag bumper sticker that says it like it is! Choose your favorites, and request them free at ...
In the Mind of the OIG
Robert DeConti, assistant inspector general for legal affairs at OIG, and Lisa Re, chief of the OIG Administrative and Civil Remedies Branch, explain why some get excluded...and others don't. OIG enforcement actions are ...
What the OIG Wants From You – Compliance Fundamentals
5 compliance fundamentals that are guaranteed to grant you favor in the eyes of the OIG - and every other law enforcement agency. Essential before your next inspection. 1. Protocol Compliance officials expect you to ...